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Become Our Advisor

Thank you for your interest in serving as an advisor to the women of Wanawake Wa Wari. We are looking for individuals who embody the qualities of Wari and are able to commit to the requirements outlined below. Since Wari deals with multiple, multi-faceted issues, we would like to assemble an advising board consisting of 2-3 staff/faculty members. This inherently would require our advisors to be team players, collaborators, and have excellent communication skills, so please keep this in mind.

What is Wari?

Wari serves as a home for 10 undergraduate Black women at Cornell. Founded in 1968, Wari has served as a place where women of African descent have prepared for the world academically, culturally, and socially. Wari is both a housing cooperative and an organization, which comes with responsibilities such as community service, participating in cultural and social activities, and maintaining weekly house responsibilities (chores, meetings, etc).


Another unique aspect of our experience is that we are responsible for paying for projects to upkeep the house. This requires work with Cornell contractors, budgeting, and multi-year planning to ensure that we have enough money to fund these projects as well as take care of more short-term items for the house.

What is Wari Looking for in an Advisor?

Running a house while being students and trying to build a social community is not easy. We want an advisor because we need people to help us organize a plan to make things run more smoothly. We need people who will be willing to put in the time and effort to learn about Wari and be able to give us explicit guidance when it comes to things like fundraising and making sure that we are paying a reasonable price for the services of Cornell contractors. 

When asked, our members said they want an advisor who...

Has some sort of sway within the University and is willing to advocate for us and our projects (especially in spaces we may not be already familiar with and against unfair treatment from Cornell)


Interested in being our advisor? Use this form to introduce yourself, list any other campus commitments you have & the role you play in them, and tell us why you are interested in being an advisor. We will then get in contact with you about scheduling a meeting to talk with us about the position and its responsibilities.

Thanks for your interest in being our advisor! We will be in touch with you soon.

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